Below is a list of classes I have taught or will teach.  For a more complete list of recent and upcoming courses offered by the Atmospheric Science group please see the ATM course list.

Atmospheric Dynamics (ATM121A): In this course we focus on developing the basic equations of motion of the atmosphere.  I place special emphasis on understanding the forces at work in the atmosphere and using physical conservation laws.  The course touches on basic meteorological aspects of linear and curvilinear flows.  (Winter 2017, Winter 2018, Winter 2019)

Atmospheric Dynamics (ATM121B): We’ll take the basic equations developed in ATM121A and try to better understand them.  A special focus is on the understanding of vorticity. (Spring 2023-24)

Weather Analysis and Prediction (ATM 111): This is the capstone course for our ATM majors.  We’ll work on identifying synoptic weather features, applying quasi-geostrophic theory, understanding weather models, and forecasting weather. (Winter 2020, Spring 2021-24)

Weather Forecasting (ATM112): Daily forecast practice.  Forecast assessment and techniques for improving.  WxChallenge! (Fall 2022)

ATM Seminar (ATM290): My version of this course will have two primary goals.  The first is for students to develop and practice their scientific presentation skills.  Second, students will learn breadth material and effective presentation design/delivery from visiting scholars.  (Intermittently)

Mesoscale Meteorology (ATM 250): We focused on better understanding the forces relevant at the mesoscale and on phenomena.  (Fall 2021)